What email address do the emails come from?

When we send your gift cards out to the recipients,  by default we use our own email address:

 - Default email address: here.are@yourgift.cards
 - Default from name: Gift Up!

Overriding our defaults

You can override this to be any email address & name you like in your email settings. We'll then set the email's "reply-to address" to be your "from email address", and the "from name" field to be your "from name".

What it looks like to the customer

Here's how it looks like in the Gmail web client, for example: 

The only thing you'll notice is our unbranded email address "here.are@yourgift.cards" once you open up the email. 

And here's what it looks like in the Gmail mobile client:

Why you can't set the real from email address

Technically speaking, even if you do specify a from email address/name, the email still gets sent from our email address (here.are@yourgift.cards) but it will look like it was sent from yours as we've shown above. 

If we did set the email's from address to be yours, it would almost certainly be classed as spam by the recipient's email provider, and no-one wants that! That has long been outlawed as it was a successful technique for spammers in the early days of email, and email service providers quickly learnt not to trust emails with a "from" email address that was not sent by that email addresses domain email server.

How to send the emails yourself, instead of Gift Up sending them

If you have the desire to control fully the email that your customers receive (that's both the receipt email to the purchaser, and the gift card email for the recipient), including the email content & sending domain/email address, then you can ask us to stop sending emails on your behalf, and you can take responsibility for it. 

You can use either Zapier to send the emails, which is great if you are not hugely technically minded but confident enough to give it a go, or you can subscribe to our `order created` webhook event and send the emails yourself on the back of that. 

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